YOLO Spotlight - Sarah Larkin of Sarah Larkin Floral Design and Life Coaching with Sarah Larkin!

This week our spotlight focuses on Sarah Larkin, known in Yolo County for her beautiful, innovative floral designs. But there is much more to know about Sarah and how she has spent the last year during the pandemic.

When the pandemic hit, Sarah was worried because much of her floral design clientele centered around weddings and other large events, which were suddenly shut down overnight. She decided to switch gears and began making smaller bouquets that people could to send to their friends as a little reminder that they were in people’s thoughts. With this less hectic schedule, Sarah was also able to personally deliver each bouquet and was able to experience the delight of those who received them. It was a helpful way to cheer individuals up during those early days of COVID19 when the world did not know what we were dealing with yet. Sarah acknowledges it was a “back to basics” move that allowed her to see the joy in a small, but significant, gesture. With a slower pace and less stress, she realized she was finally building the business she wanted. In the future, she would love to automate the process more to have time to teach others.


During the past year, Sarah had time to decide what she wanted to be when she grew up and landed on being a life coach. It was a circular route for her to get there, she was a shy, insecure high-schooler, feeling she had to be “small, quiet, and unattractive”.  After growing up in southern California, she came up north to attend UC Davis to obtain a degree in human development (hence the life coaching connection!). The last year has been a year of discovery for her, with thinking about who she wants to be and evaluating everything and deciding to go all in for life. She spent many years surviving and feels she is now starting to thrive.  She spent a year earning her life coaching certification and looks forward to helping others find out what makes them shine and celebrating that knowledge with them.


Sarah met her ex-wife at UC Davis and because they both live in Woodland they are able to co-parent their son. With a gay father, Sarah took the initiative to join Colage. Colage is a national organization that provides support to those with an LGBTQ caregiver, introducing them to peers and assisting them to become skilled, self-confident, and leaders in their own communities. Before she joined Colage, she did not know that other kids had parents in the LGBTQ community. She is grateful for the connections made since she met her best friend there.


Sarah is a member of the Unitarian Church in Davis and says they have allowed her the opportunity to grow. She has also found the life coaching community a tight knit group, and even virtually, comes together to help each other. Unable to meet and provide coaching in person during the last year, the support from these groups has helped her enormously.


1.       Sarah passion is to work with women. She feels they have a unique set of challenges. Because of her own life journey, she believes she can provide special insight to assist them. Sarah now realizes she has to approach life differently and actively decided to start believing in herself, reaching for her dreams, and never settle for less.

2.       Sarah is finding it hard to narrow her life coaching focus. A well-balanced life involves everything about you and your life so how can she narrow it down and leave something out when she works with you? She knows that thoughts you have lead to feelings which then makes you do, or not do, things that determine the results you get. Finding a niche instead of merely covering it all is impossible!

3.       In all of her fields of endeavor, Sarah wants to be known as being authentic and having integrity. Her one biggest bit of advice is to always have your own back. (We can vouch that this is one aspect of life people have trouble remembering!) She finds one way to accomplish this personally is to schedule smart so as to not let herself, and others, down because she can’t do it all or ends up forgetting obligations.

Very far in the future, Sarah might like to travel and get a job refurbishing houses all over the world for AirBnB. She refurbished houses with her dad, an architect, when she was younger. And she is not adverse to having a future as an author!

You can check out Sarah’s floral design business (https://sarahlarkindesign.com/) or life coaching expertise (https://coachingwithsarahlarkin.com/) and you can find links to her podcast or sign up for her newsletter.

A multi-tasking small business woman, woo hoo!  We hit the trifecta!

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