YOLO Spotlight - Lacey Passantino of The Home Improvements Group!

You may know Lacey from when she was the owner of the very popular Well Stocked Home on 1st Street in downtown Woodland. After Lacey sold the business, she gravitated down the street to work with Chris Dreith at The Home Improvements Group, currently found on the bottom floor of the Woodland Hotel. The Group will soon be moving to a newly rehabilitated building on the corner of Main and 2nd Streets, right across from the Woodland Opera House. The new location will have a fully equipped kitchen with the ability to demonstrate appliances and equipment.

The Home Improvements Group specializes in award winning bath and kitchen remodels and business has been booming with people turning to sprucing up their homes during the pandemic. (Spending more time at home allows more time to see what needs to be fixed up!) As Chris begins to slightly (maybe) begin to retire, Lacey is slowly taking the reins. Chris and Lacey knew each other before and Chris knew that she had to have Lacey and her impeccable taste come to work with her when Lacey was no longer at Well Stocked Home.


Lacey likes to stay busy and is the leader of her daughter’s Girl Scout Troop as well as being her son’s team mom for his baseball team. She also squeezes in time on the PTA. Work is almost like a second home to all of them and the kids even have a special room set up for them at the business so they have a place to hang out when they are there. Everyone at The Group is like family.


Lacey is originally from British Columbia, Canada and found herself in northern California because her mom’s family lives in Carmichael. She has always enjoyed participating in Woodland events and loves being a member of the community. She has been with The Group since 2017 and, though we still miss her on 1st Street, she loves what she does now.


Lacey feels that all of her life experiences came together and this is the perfect career for her. Combine her natural talent and eye for design with over 15 years experience in retail housewares and you have a winning combination. She particularly loves fixer uppers because they require lots of love and Lacey believes that you must honor the age of home when you make design choices during rehab.


1.       Lacey feels it is an honor to be mentored by Chris and also to be trusted by Chris to eventually take over. Chris is well known nationally in design circles and when they attend trade shows it is impossible to find anyone who doesn’t know Chris. These are big shoes to fill in the future, but remembering the impeccable curating done by Lacey at Well Stocked Home, The Home Improvements Group is going to be in talented and capable hands.

2.       Lacey believes they have the best customers. From design to overseeing the remodel, clients are trusting her with their personal decisions and how they will essentially live their life once their home is complete. She firmly feels every choice she makes must reflect the essence of the client, who they are and what they want. After all, you want them to feel at home in their home!

3.       Having spent the last few years overseeing and managing projects, Lacey knows the key to a successful remodel is a well thought out process and she knows The Group has a great process in place. Since she enjoys working with the clients, she makes it a point to keep them in the loop to avoid misunderstandings and unhappy homeowners. It is important to Lacey that the clients know they can trust her and she is working hard to make sure they get the dream home they want.

It will be fun to see the new location. (Hope there’s an open house!) And we all know that one day it will be Lacey that gets stopped by people wanting to chat at the trade shows. Just give her a year or two!

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